The Ultimate Guide To Glass Painting.
Learn traditional and modern approaches to glass painting or vitrail art.
This course will become your complete roadmap to the world of unique art projects, exciting ideas, and self-expression! You will create one-of-a-kind artworks including glass paintings, hand-painted lamps, vases, mirrors!
PLUS, you are getting FREE templates and stencils for your projects and our special BONUS class on vinyl record painting technique.
Glass painting is an ancient way of bringing the beauty of the world into your home and add the magic of creation to your every-day life. In this course we are going to combine traditional elements of the craft with contemporary details to create truly unique projects.
  • Glass painting
    Learn traditional and modern approaches to glass painting art, get all the secret tips from professional artist to master your skill
  • Supplies and materials
    Explore supplies and materials for your art projects and understand how to choose right paints
  • Create 5 unique art projects
    Including hand-painted vase, mirror, framed glass painting and even hand-painted vinyl record
  • Plan your art project
    Learn how to plan your art project and convert your idea into real artwork
  • The process of creation
    Understand the step-by-step process of creation including concept planning, composition, design transferring, various painting approaches, curing methods and much more
  • Upcycling techniques
    Discover upcycling techniques to give second life to vintage pieces like vases, lamps, furniture, and other decor
  • Unlimited possibilities
    Unlock your creative potential and discover the unlimited possibilities that this technique creates
  • Therapeutic process
    Relax during the therapeutic process and work in your own pace with Julia’s gentle guidance and support
  • Art community
    Enter the community of glass painting learners where you can share your progress, get support, and celebrate each other’s growth
This course consists of 5 chapters and during each chapter you will learn a new approach to the art of glass:
Chapter 1
Painting On Glass Frame
Chapter 2
Painting On Glass Vase
Chapter 3
Painting On Mirror ( Upcycling Vintage Mirror)
Chapter 4
Painting On Lamp
Chapter 5 (BONUS CLASS)
Painting On Vinyl Record
For each of these mediums, you will understand the nature of glass painting and its behavior when applied on different surfaces, you will explore supplies and materials used for glass painting, learn stages of creation starting from the project planning, composition building, transferring design on glass, painting process and curing your piece.
After taking this course, your creativity will be unlocked and you will amaze yourself with the flow of unique ideas while having the skill set to implement them and express yourself in various ways.
Requirements and materials:
  • No previous experience is required.
  • In terms of materials, in the first chapter you will be provided with the list of supplies including multiple possible options and types of paints.
  • You are looking for a new hobby or activity to express yourself, release stress and tension, relax during the therapeutic process and learn something new.

  • You’ve got a passion for art (any form of art) & creativity and stay curious about unique art forms and mediums.

  • You’re just curious about art —but have no experience so you are looking for something to start with.

  • You’re already creating and working with other mediums, but now you are looking for something different

  • You’ve always admired stained glass but wanted to avoid the complicated process of glass cutting and challenging set up. Glass painting will allow you to imitate stained glass with special metallic contours and paint.

  • ​You want to create truly unique art and decor pieces to bring magic and joy to your home or start making one-of-a-kind gifts.

  • You want to start upcycling vintage pieces like mirrors, vinyl records, lamps and looking for skills & inspiration.
… and honestly, if none of those describe you, but you’re still intrigued, you’re welcome to join in the fun. I guarantee you’ll walk away with ideas that you’ve never seen before and inspiration that is going to fill your days with joy, purpose and inner peace.
My journey with glass painting started in 2019 and I discovered this art technique from one local studio during my visit to Ukraine and my life split on before and after. I tried working with various art mediums by that time, so my heart was looking for something truly unique – and glass painting became the ultimate answer. I fell in love with the meditative process of glass painting, paint textures, colours and unlimited projects that were flowing into my mind. I started experimented and truly focused on finding my style and mastering skills for the next couple years.

Later, I started doing multiple art markets and art fairs, displaying various glass painting art pieces: framed paintings, clocks, vases, mirrors, holiday decorations, lamps… and every single time I would be sold out. People from all over the world would order my glass paintings for themselves, as unique gifts or even decorations for their special events. Later on I started to teach glass painting and it lead me to opening of my first art school, where I guided hundreds of students through this magical journey.
Currently I exhibit my glass painting artwork at the biggest art shows in North America, display it in local art galleries, markets and stores. Glass painting technique truly unlocked my creative potential. It created this magical space for me to feel safe, and free, and comfortable, and curious to experiment and find my style. I would lose count of hours while working on a project and it’s meditative, therapeutic process became a tremendous help with stress management and anxiety.

People started to recognize glass painting even from far away because of it’s unique textures and dimensional, almost 3D, effect. With all the elements, opaque and translucent colouring decisions, vibrant shades, unique ideas and unexpected application styles, glass painting technique is being reinvented and out community of glass painting lovers is now growing all over the world.
✓ Julia left her corporate job to pursue art full time and founded Art School & Studio Arting Around after 10 years break from art

✓ Practiced glass painting art for more than 4 years and masters her skill with constant learning and about 1000 hours of glass painting practice

✓ Participates in the biggest art & crafts shows in North America with glass painting collections

✓ Exhibited glass painting in more than 10 galleries

More than 1000 students all over North America who started their artistic journey with Julia

✓ Selling her glass painting artwork across the globe
Positive Raiting
With this online training you get:
  • 3 hours long

    learning material with inspiring examples, helpful tips and secrets from the artist, step-by-step guidance
  • 5 chapters

    that will teach you various approaches and techniques of glass art
  • 5 projects

    to unlock your creativity and imagination: glass frame painting, hand-painted vase, mirror, lamp and even vinyl record!
  • 10 FREE

    mock ups with Julia’s signature design that you can use to create your own unique glass painting
  • Exclusive access to online community of glass painting learners via Telegram application where you can share your projects and progress
  • Unlimited access to course materials
Course Program:
Chapter 1: Painting on A Glass Frame
1.1 Intro to the chapter

1.2 Supplies for glass painting: all you need know about glass paints, contours, and other materials

1.3 Planning your project and concept: where do we start?

1.4 Glass painting examples and inspirations: let’s take a look at my paintings

1.5 Transferring design on glass: learning how to use outliner (contour)

1.6 Making Background: secret behind smooth color transitions

1.7 Painting on glass: approaches to add paint on glass surface

1.8. Finalizing your painting by adding extra details with contour
Chapter 2: Painting On A Vase
2.1 Intro to the lesson: let’s look into my projects and examples to get you inspired

2.2 Concept Planning: how to plan your concept

2.3 Learning ways to transfer design on vase

2.4 Painting floral composition on the vase

2.5 Adding final details and enjoying the final result !
Chapter 3: Painting On A Mirror
3.1 Intro to the lesson: let’s upcycle the vintage mirror together

3.2 Looking into examples and other mirrors I’ve painted

3.3 Concept Planning: how to design your mirror

3.4 Transferring design on the mirror: magic butterflies

3.4 Strategies to painting your mirror

3.5 Adding last details before we are done!
Chapter 4: Painting On A Lamp
4.1 Intro to the lesson: how to make a lamp that shines with different colours

4.2 Concept planning

4.3 Transferring design on the lamp

4.4 Painting The Lamp and We Are Done!
Chapter 5: Painting On A Vinyl Record
5.1 Intro to the lesson: how I came up with this technique, finding records for your projects and how to use them after

5.2 What supplies you need to paint the records

5.3 Looking into my wall decorated with painted records

5.4 Concept planning for our first record: whales

5.5 Transferring design on record

5.6 Approaches to painting on your record: adding colour to my whales

5.7 Adding Final Details and our unique records is ready!

5.8 Composition planning for the second record: floral design

5.9 Painting flowers on the second record

5.10 Enjoying finished project

5.11 Final Words On Vinyl Painting
Course Final Video:
A Couple Words From Julia
All materials and access to the course stay with you FOREVER!
What You'll Be Able To Create After Taking This Course